PhD study tour 1999
of PhD fellows of the Division of Human Nutrition & Epidemiology of Wageningen Agricultural University to South Africa, 13-27 August 1999

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17 - 18 AUGUST 1999

The Cape Town- Wageningen symposium is an initiative of PhD fellows from the Division of Human Nutrition & Epidemiology, Wageningen Agricultural University, The Netherlands

Programme 17 August

9.00-9.30  Welcome and registration
9.30-9.45 Opening by H. Molenaar, Consul of the Dutch Embassy in Cape Town
9.45-12.15 Nutritional status and appetite. Chairperson: Prof. Dr. F.J. Kok.
9.45-10.15 Dr. A.J.S. Benadé, Medical Research Council (MRC) Cape Town 
Using information from nutritional status surveys to develop community-based nutrition intervention programmes.
10.15-10.30 Ms. A. de Villiers, University of Stellenbosch 
The identification of determinants of growth failure and focus areas for the prevention thereof in 12 to 24 month old children attending the Duncun Village Day Hospital in East London.
10.30-10.45 Ms. M.U. Krige, University of Stellenbosch 
Identification of determinants of undernutrition in 1-2 year old children residing in historically black and coloured areas in the Stellenbosch district.
10.45-11.15 Break
11.15-11.30 Ms. H. van 't Riet, Wageningen Agricultural University (WAU) 
Street foods: importance to people living in low income urban settlements, the case in Nairobi.
11.30-11.45 Mr. A. Oelofse, MRC/WAU 
Micronutrient deficiency in 6-12 month old disadvantaged South African infants.
11.45-12.00 Mr. R.A.M. Dossa, Faculté des Sciences Agronomiques/WAU 
Appetite measurement in Beninese children.
12.00-12.15  Ms. L. Zandstra, WAU 
Short-term regulation of food intake in children, young adults and elderly.
12.15-12.45 Dr. T. Puoane, University of Western Cape (UWC) 
Improving clinical management of severely malnourished children in two rural district hospitals.
12.45-14.00 Lunch break
14.00-17.45 Diet, lifestyle and genetics in cardiovascular disease and cancer. Chairperson: Dr. A.J.S. Benadé.
14.00-14.30 Ms. K. Charlton, University of Cape Town (UCT) 
Salt sensitivity and blood pressure in black South Africans.
14.30-14.45 Ms. C.M. Oomen, RIVM/WAU 
Changes in diet and lifestyle factors related to changes in total cholesterol in elderly men.
14.45-15.00 Mr. M.S. v.d. Gaag, TNO/WAU 
Mechanism of action underlying the reduced coronary heart disease risk in moderate alcohol consumers.
15.00-15.15 Ms. D.M. Blackhurst, UCT 
An evaluation of lipid oxidation in edible oils by three methods.
15.15-15.30 Ms. M.N. Vissers, WAU 
Effect of phenols from olive oil on markers of oxidation in healthy volunteers.
15.30-16.00 Break
16.00-16.15 Ms. T. Hoekstra, WAU 
Is the 4G/5G-polymorphism in the PAI-1 gene related to atherosclerosis?
16.15-16.30 Ms. M. Klerk, WAU 
Homocysteinaemia, haemostasis and coronary heart disease: the role of common mutations and vitamins.
16.30-16.45 Ms. E.W. Tiemersma, WAU 
Genetic polymorphisms of phase II enzymes and smoking in bladder cancer.
16.45-17.00 Ms. M.C.J.F. Jansen, RIVM/WAU 
Fruit and vegetable consumption and lung cancer mortality: findings among smoking men in Finland, Italy, and the Netherlands.
17.00-17.15 Ms. W.M.R. Broekmans, WAU 
Effect of increased fruit and vegetable consumption on markers for disease risk: a diet-controlled human intervention trial.
17.15-17.45 Ms. K. Steyn, MRC Cape Town 
The health and nutrition transition in South Africa.

Programme 18 August

9.00-10.30  Supplementation as a strategy to improve nutritional status. Chairperson: Prof. D. Sanders
9.00-9.30 Dr. P.L. Jooste, MRC Cape Town 
Short term effect of mandatory iodisation of salt on process and outcome indicators of endemic goitre.
9.30-9.45 Mr. H. Tichelaar, MRC Cape Town 
Effect of Omega-3 fatty acid supplementation on the nutritional status and development of undernourished rural school children.
9.45-10.00 Ms. M.E. van Stuijvenberg, MRC Cape Town 
Effect of a biscuit with red palm oil as a source of beta-carotene on the vitamin A status of primary school children: a comparison with beta-carotene from a synthetic source in a randomised controlled trial.
10.00-10.15 Ms. J. Graat, WAU 
Vitamin E and multivitamin supplementation and respiratory tract infections in elderly.
10.15-10.30 Ms. J. Durga, WAU 
Folic acid and the progression of carotid artery intima-media thickness.
10.30-11.00 Break
11.00-12.30 Nutritional factors, pregnancy and birth outcome. Chairperson: Ms. K. Steyn.
11.00-11.15 Mr. M.A. Dhansay, MRC Cape Town 
Risk markers for low birth weight in women attending an antenatal clinic in Bishop Lavis, a low socio-economic area.
11.15-11.30 Mr M. Smuts, MRC Cape Town 
Docosahexaenoic acid-enriched eggs as a source of DHA during the last trimester of pregnancy
11.30-12.00 Ms. M.K. Schmidt & Ms. S. Muslimatun, SEAMEO TROPMED/WAU 
The effect of weekly iron and vitamin A supplementation during pregnancy on infant growth.
12.00-12.30 Prof. D. Sanders, UWC 
Implementation of an integrated nutrition programme in a poor rural health district, S.A.: the role of research in policy implementation.
12.30-14.00 Lunch break
14.00-15.45 Bioavailability of food components. Chairperson: Dr. P.L. Jooste.
14.00-14.30 Prof. Dr. C.E. West, WAU 
Bioavailability: an important issue in nutrition.
14.30-14.45 Ms. M. van Lieshout, WAU 
Quantification of bioavailability of beta-carotene and its bioconversion to retinol using [13C10]- beta-carotene and [13C10]-retinyl palmitate.
14.45-15.00 Ms. A. Melse, WAU 
The role of the glutamate chain in bioavailability of dietary folate.
15.00-15.15 Ms. M. Olthof, WAU 
Metabolism of chlorogenic acid, quercetin-3-rutinoside and black tea polyphenols in healthy volunteers.
15.15-15.45 Farewell lecture. Prof. Dr. F.J. Kok, WAU 
Epilogue and future perspectives of South African  - Dutch collaboration.

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Updated 5 January 2000. Please mail comments and questions to: Alida Melse